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A Child's Plea

Would anyone listen to me?
Just a child, and, very small.
Should I ever be noticed?
By those so very tall.

I may be young and playful,
Not knowing what you know.
Even though my inexperience,
Has taught me something to show.

I know little about finances,
Or cars, and other adult toy's.
But, I do know how to get noticed,
It just takes a little noise.

Let me tell you what I've learned,
In these first ten of my years.
What I say may just suprise you,
It might bring you to tears.

When I was Oh so much younger,
you taught me how to pray.
You helped me see my problem,
and the means to take it away.

My years may only number ten,
I've haven't done much at all.
When I was eight, I asked the Lord,
To take my sin away, to help me not to fall.

The Lord Jesus saved my soul that day,
He gave me life eternal and free.
He taught me to love every one,
And that is as it should be.

One Day

One day while I was walking, I met an older man,
He told me about Heaven and God's own glorious plan.
He told me about Jesus, that he loved me so,
He said to go to Heaven, there's some things I should know.

He said Son we're all sinners, from this we cannot flee, He said Son we're all sinners' there is a penalty.
He told me what it was, and I began to cry,
He told me what it was, that ev'ry man must die.

He said Son now remember, Jesus loves us so,
He bore our sins on Calv'ry, forgiveness we can know,
He's waiting up in Heaven, for you don't you see,
He's waiting up in Heaven , to hear the sinners plea.

Come save me now Lord Jesus,
forgive me of my sin.
Come save me now Lord Jesus,
Into my heart come in.

One day while I was walking, I met an older man,
He told me about Heaven and God's own glorious plan.
He told me about Jesus, that he loved me so,
He said to go to Heaven, there's some things I should know.

He said that life was free, and wouldn't cost me a dime.
He said that he would tell me, if I'd give him the time.
I said that I was good, I'd never hurt no one
He said not by me, But, what the Lord had done.

I looked at him through tears, not knowing what to say,
I fell upon my knees, and there began to pray.
"Come save me now Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sin."
"Come save me now Lord Jesus, into my heart come in."

One day while I was walking, I met a younger man,
I told him about Heaven, and God's own glorious plan.
I told him about Jesus, that he loved him so,
I said to go to Heaven, there's some things you should know.

written by Kurt Frazier